Takis Foundation – Research Center for the art & the sciences

The sculptor Takis buys a 10 acre land in Gerovouno hill, located at the foot of mount Parnitha. It is a distinct geographic location, at a height of 175 meters- 19 meters higher than the Acropolis; thus in the past it was named “Holy Mountain”. Prompted by the strong magnetic fields of the hill, takis begins the construction of a nonprofit cultural organization, aspiring to promote the Arts and the Sciences. The Research Center for the Art and the Sciences (K.E.T.E.) as it is known today, was founded in 1986, although officially inaugurated in 1993. “There is no visitor to the Takis Foundation – K.E.T.E. who did not feel that magnetic tranquility this place gave to their body”, as the artist himself pointed out.
Ever since, the Takis Foundation has been the birthplace of Takis’ research and art.
The main premises of the Foundation include the museum, “theater”, gardens, and the atelier of the artist, all of which are adorned by distinctive works of his entire artistic career, along with pieces created by friends, both foreign and Greek artists.

The Foundation aims to promote knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts to the general public, as well as to provide services, facilities and support programs for both education and contemporary art. In particular, its objectives include:
- To research, cultivate and develop the arts and sciences. To strive for cooperation in the fields of art and science, through mutual pursuits and expressions amongst people serving in these fields, by setting up meetings for them on the institution’s premises, as well as by organizing and conducting training programs and seminars inside and outside the Foundation, both in Greece and abroad. Schools, educational institutions and artistic organizations of all kinds can visit the Takis Foundation.
- To create and provide museum material, as well as the publication and distribution of educational material related to art.
- To promote and disseminate Greek art and science through the organization of exhibitions, meetings, seminars and other events in venues of other foundations and entities in Greece, but also in Europe and in America.
- To grant scholarships to young artists, self-taught or not.
- To provide restorations for Takis’ past projects, and to issue certificates of authenticity for the artist’s works of art.
Board of Directors
- Founder – Panagiotis Vassilakis
- President – Georgios Nakoudis
- Vice President – Penelope Sideri
- Member – Kyriaki Giannopoulou
- Member – Athina Gilbert-Vassilakis
Human Resources
- Director of Public Affairs – Menia Kouli
- Development & Programming Manager – Irene Persidou
- Educational Programs – Georgianna Zogkou, Zografia Diamantopoulou
- Secretial & Accounting Support – Anthi Vasilakou
- Conservator – Petros Rapousis
- Legal Counsel – Stella Skoura